Qt using .dll in .dll


I want to use one .dll file in another. But it seems like I'm doing something wrong with it. I have two library project ScaraControlGUI and ScaraLogic, and I want to use ScaraLogic into ScaraControlGUI, so I added appropriate lines in ScaraControlGUI's .pro file:

DEPENDPATH += . ../ScaraLogic
INCLUDEPATH += ../ScaraLogic
LIBS += -L../ScaraLogic/debug -lScaraLogic

And I receive:

scaralogic.h: No such file or directory

When I want to include this file. I'm sure that this file exist so I bet that I'm doing something wrong around .pro files.

What I'm doing wrong ? Adding ScaraControlGUI .dll to main executable project works fine like this.

Thanks in advace for help.


I resolved my problem. My ScaraControlGUI subproject was building properly. Problem was in my main project ScaraControl and to solve this I needed to add LIBS and INCLUDEPATH too.

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