MVC5: Foreign Key and data access


I am looking for selecting a list from my table based on another table. I need to retrieve system names that are part of a particular system family. i have already added foreign keys. I created a ViewModel containing both these classes but it throws a null pointer exception. I am new to MVC and I am not sure where I am wrong.

Model Class : Systems public class Systems {

    public int SystemsID { get; set; }
    public string SystemName { get; set; }
    public DateTime CreatedOn { get; set;}
    public string CreatedBy { get; set; }
    public int SystemFamilyID { get; set; }

    public virtual SystemFamily SystemFamily { get; set; }

Class SystemFamily

  public class SystemFamily

    public int SystemFamilyID { get; set;}
    public int SystemsID {get;set;}
    public string FamilyName { get; set; }
    public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; }
    public string CreatedBy { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<Systems> Systems { get; set; }


ViewSystem is a method in my SystemFamilyController.

   public ActionResult ViewSystem(int? id)
        var viewmodel = new Sys_SysFam();
        ViewBag.SystemFamilyID = id.Value;
        //if (id != null)
        //    ViewBag.SystemFamilyID = id.Value;
        //    viewmodel.Systems = viewmodel.SystemFamily.Where(
        //        i => i.SystemFamilyID == id.Value).Single().Systems;

        return View(viewmodel);

the view :

@model SystemFam_System.ViewModel.Sys_SysFam
ViewBag.Title = "ViewSystem";


 @foreach (var item in Model.Systems)
    string selectedRow = "";
    if (item.SystemFamilyID == ViewBag.SystemFamilyID)
        //    selectedRow = "success";

        <tr class="@selectedRow">


I get null pointer Exception. I want to view the system that belongs to a particular family in view system.

Thanks in advance!! Vini

Edit :

public class Sys_SysFam
    public IEnumerable<Systems> Systems { get; set; }
    public SystemFamily SystemFamily { get; set; }
Ankit Sahrawat

Ok i have checked Sys_SysFam class too. As per your current code it will always throw null reference exception becasue in your controller code you are using:

public ActionResult ViewSystem(int? id)
        var viewmodel = new Sys_SysFam();
        ViewBag.SystemFamilyID = id.Value;
        //if (id != null)
        //    ViewBag.SystemFamilyID = id.Value;
        //    viewmodel.Systems = viewmodel.SystemFamily.Where(
        //        i => i.SystemFamilyID == id.Value).Single().Systems;

        return View(viewmodel);

here you are creating an object of Sys_SysFam as viewmodel and as your if part is commented so you are returning same viewmodel in which viewmodel.Systems will always be null. Here i did not see any request to database for getting the data from db but i think your data in viewmodel will come from database and if i uncomment your if condition then too you are not sending any request to database you are using same viewmodel object created above.

viewmodel.Systems = viewmodel.SystemFamily.Where(
                    i => i.SystemFamilyID == id.Value).Single().Systems;

in right side you are using viewmodel.SystemFamily with where condition but as viewmodel.SystemFamily is null it will always throw exception. Your solution should be something like this:

public ActionResult ViewSystem(int? id)
            DataContext context = new DataContext();
            var viewmodel = new Sys_SysFam();
            ViewBag.SystemFamilyID = id.Value;
            if (id != null)
                ViewBag.SystemFamilyID = id.Value;
                var sysFamily = context.SystemFamily.Include(x => x.Systems).FirstOrDefault(x => x.SystemFamilyID == id.Value);
                if (sysFamily != null)
                    viewmodel.Systems = sysFamily.Systems;

            return View(viewmodel);

here first i am creating object of DataContext which is my main context to access the database using entity framework. so first i will get the system family based on passed id from database and if system family is not null then i will set the data of systems in viewmodel. Include method will bring data for Systems based on system family from database.

Also improve your Sys_SysFam class to initialize systems so that it will not throw exception in your view when there is no data in viewmodel.Systems like this:

public class Sys_SysFam
        public Sys_SysFam()
            this.Systems = new List<Systems>();

        public SystemFamily SystemFamily { get; set; }

        public IEnumerable<Systems> Systems { get; set; }

Hope this will help you.

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