return function result to output argument


In objective-c I can declare a function with an output argument, I suppose that is so called pass-by-reference:

-(void) doTask(int id, output: (NSArray**)results) {
   results = getResult()

Then, I can access the results to check the output of doTask() outside the function scope.

In swift, is it still valid?

func doTask(id:Int, results:NSArray) -> Void {
  results = getResult()

Can I pass the end results of doTask() to the function argument results and access it outside the function scope?


In Swift, you need to mark a parameter as being inout; that is, you can write to it in the function and the changes to the variable take affect outside the function scope:

func doTask(id: Int, inout results: NSArray) -> Void {
    // …

    results = NSArray()

Then to call the function, you need to pass a valid variable of that type, and append it with an ampersand:

var results: NSArray()
doTask(4, &results)

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