mysql need get count of dependencies of other table


have 2 tables:


(`id`, `contactid`, `contactlistid`)
(1, 1, 1),
(2, 2, 1),
(3, 3, 1),
(4, 4, 1),
(5, 5, 1),
(6, 6, 1),

and another one:


(`id`, `name`, `surname`, `email`, `unsubscribed`)
(1, "name1", "surname1", "email1", "0"),
(2, "name1", "surname2", "email1", "0"),
(3, "name1", "surname3", "email1", "0"),
(4, "name1", "surname4", "email1", "1"),
(5, "name1", "surname5", "email1", "0"),
(6, "name1", "surname6", "email1", "0"),

And I need to get count from contactlistrelations table of contacts which is not unsubscribed in contacts table

Kasper Franz

You can use join like this, which should return the number of people on each contactList which isn't unsubscribed

Select contactlistrelations .contactlistid,count(*) AS count 
  FROM contactlistrelations 
  JOIN contacts on = contactlistrelations.contactid 
  WHERE contacts.unsubscribed = 0
  GROUP BY contactlistrelations.contactlistid

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