Sending core data to watchOS 2

David Burnham

I am trying to sync CoreData between iOS 9.0 and watchOS 2.0. My database is pretty small, so I wanted to just send the entire file over using the file transfer in watch connectivity. I know I need to find the URL of the CoreData stack and send that along with the metadata. I think I am getting the URL correctly, but I am getting a null error for the metadata. This is what I have tried.

let bundle = NSBundle.mainBundle()
let modelURL = bundle.URLForResource("Sunday", withExtension: "momd")!
do {
    let myStore = try NSPersistentStoreCoordinator.metadataForPersistentStoreOfType(nil, URL: modelURL)
    let fileTransfer = WCSession.defaultSession().transferFile(modelURL, metadata:myStore)
catch { 

The metadata argument is not required and can be nil, which in your case I think will be fine. Give that a shot

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