Bleachbit disk space reducing

Samuel Shifterovich

Before I ask, let me say that I understand how this works, so the fact that I have 0 bytes free doesn't surprise me, as I shut down the computer while Bleachbit was doing its thing.

But now I want to delete these files manually. Where can I find them? I deleted ~/tmp and some strange folder belonging to root in ~/. Bleachbit said it has written 4 files.

Samuel Shifterovich

Solved. I used:

sudo find / -xdev -type f -size +500M

To find files larger than 500M.

  • The output included some very strange file name in the root directory.

  • This would make sense, as I ran the Bleachbit also for the root directory.

  • I opened my filemanager as root and saw 4 files (exactly how much Bleachbit had written), all with similar names (very long, starting with tmp and the rest being random characters and numbers).

  • So I deleted them all.

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