why does my loop only run once?

Jerry Murphy

This is my code

    for (int i= 0; 1< memory.length; i++)
        String twoDigitMemory = String.format("%02d",memory[i] );
        System.out.print(twoDigitMemory +" ? +");
        accumulator = input.nextInt();

        if (input.nextInt() == -99999)
            System.out.println("*** Program loading completed ***");
            System.out.println("*** Program execution begins  ***");
            break executeProgram;

This is my output. I enter 123.

***            Welcome to Simpletron!            ***
*** Please enter your program one instruction    ***
*** (or data word) at a time. I will display     ***
*** the location number and a question mark (?)  ***
*** You then type the word for that location.    ***
*** Type -99999 to stop entering your program    ***
00 ? +123

after entering 123 and pressing enter I expect the for loop to run again printing "00 ? +" but nothing happens, the input does get saved to the variable


You are expecting user to input number twice. Once you are storing in accumulater while the other just to compare the number like if (input.nextInt() == -99999) which is not needed. Instead you should use accumulater variable for checking like:

if (accumulater == -99999)

Collected from the Internet

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