Different results for same date string using lubridate package in R


I have a vector of strings:

str <- c("01-", "01-just researching", "01-1-3 months", "01-immediately", "01-4-6 months", "01-more than 12 months", "01-7-12 months")

If I parse it using parse_date_time from lubridate package, it would get different result if I only parse the first 6 strings. Why?

parse_date_time(str, "dmy")
[1] NA               NA               "2003-01-01 UTC" NA               "2006-04-01 UTC"
[6] NA               "2012-07-01 UTC"

parse_date_time(str[1:6], "dmy")

There is a function guess_formats which is so kind to explain which elements match the template. As you can see only the last string does:

guess_formats(str, "dmy", print_matches = TRUE)

#                               dmy              
# [1,] "01-"                    ""               
# [2,] "01-just researching"    ""               
# [3,] "01-1-3 months"          ""               
# [4,] "01-immediately"         ""               
# [5,] "01-4-6 months"          ""               
# [6,] "01-more than 12 months" ""               
# [7,] "01-7-12 months"         "%d-%m-%y months"

I think the rest is obvious.

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