How to display filled form values of page in final tab in JQuery?


There are forms in several tabs of a document.

A user fill a form in one tab say "Finance Tab".

Form includes Labels, Radio, Textbox, Date

When go to final tab; We need to display what he have filled in Finance tab in form of table.

Say following is HTML of form which he filled, I am just entering demo values which have repetitive panels but have elements with different or same id or different data-type:

<div class="panel clonablePart" id="Money_panel1">
 <label class="boldText">Amount</label>
 <input type="text" id="gula.bugula">
 <label class="boldText">Is amount correct</label>
 <input type="radio" /> Yes <input type="radio" /> No

<div class="panel clonablePart" id="Money_panel2">
 <label class="boldText">amount</label>
 <input type="text" id="gula.bugula" data-forfinalScreen>
 <label class="boldText">Is amount great?</label>
 <input type="radio" data-forfinalScreen /> Yes <input type="radio" /> No

Please share your inputs how to do that in jQuery?

How can i pick values of all Inputs and Label in a DIV dynamically in jQuery?

Update 1: Please consider there are 50 fields which are to be displayed on final tab. If any changes in HTML required then i am open to do that.


You can select all the input elements at once and print values like below

//select all inputs in a div with id Money_panel1
$("#Money_panel1 :input").each(function( index ) {

    //if it is a textbox get value
    if( $(this).attr("type")  == "text"  )
      alert( $( this ).val() );

    //if it is radio/checkbox get whether its checked or not
    else if(  $(this).attr("type") == "radio" )
        alert( $(this).is(":checked") );


If you want to select multiple items you can write jquery selector like

$("#Money_panel1 :input, #Money_panel1 label")

You can determine type of element using .prop("tagName") method if you are mixing labels and inputs.

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