How can I do to reload a symfony2 server with gulp?

Cristian Chaparro A.

I would like to reload automatically my server symfony2 to see in real time the changes on my html pages, when I do some change with gulp,


for example:

  1. Start my symfony2 server php app/console server:run
  2. Start my gulp file gulp and deploy the task watch that focus on reload every change on the code


For example

  1. Star my gulp file gulp, in this case setup the symfony2 server from my gulp file and start it when I call the command gulp, and trigger the watch task that focus on relod every change on the code.

Test 1:gulp-connect-php

var connect    = require('gulp-connect-php'); 

gulp.task('connect', function() {
/** here, please don't say me use assets, is a special requirement and is an example*/
   gulp.src( './appjs/products/templates/**/*.html')
    .pipe( gulp.dest( './web/products/') )
    .pipe( connect.reload() );
/** another task to watch the changes over css,less,html pages, php controllers ..*/
gulp.task('default', ['connect','another_task']);

What fails here, when I run this simple configurations not works because this deploy a server over the current folder, then symfony2 server is not deployed, and I get the following [404]: / - No such file or directory

Test 2: gulp-connect

'use strict';

var gulp       = require('gulp');
var connect = require('gulp-connect');
var concat     = require('gulp-concat');
var uglify     = require('gulp-uglify');
var livereload = require('gulp-livereload');
var browserSync = require('browser-sync');
var reload = browserSync.reload;

    gulp.src( './appjs/app.js')
        .pipe( gulp.dest('./web/') );

    console.log("chaning something on index.html... ");
    gulp.src( './appjs/index.html')
        .pipe( gulp.dest( './web/') )
        .pipe( connect.reload() );


gulp.task('watch',function(){ ['./appjs/app.js'], ['appjs']); ['./appjs/index.html'], ['app-index']);


var tasks = [ 'appjs','app-index','watch'];
gulp.task('default',tasks );

Test 3: livereload

'use strict';

var gulp       = require('gulp');
var connect = require('gulp-connect');
var livereload = require('gulp-livereload');

    gulp.src( './appjs/app.js')
        .pipe( gulp.dest('./web/') );

    console.log('chaning something on index.html...');
    gulp.src( './appjs/index.html')
        .pipe( gulp.dest( './web/') )
        .pipe( livereload({ start: true }) );

  livereload.listen(); ['./appjs/app.js'], ['appjs']); ['./appjs/index.html'], ['app-index']);


var tasks = [ 'appjs','app-index','watch'];
gulp.task('default',tasks );

then I don't know how to do the rigth setup.

any body can help me to do the right setup or show me a right way to do it?

Cristian Chaparro A.

Afeter some atempts I got it, so the following is the code to auto refresh my pages when some change is detect

1. Settup your gulp file:

'use strict';

var gulp       = require('gulp');
var livereload = require('gulp-livereload');

    gulp.src( './appjs/app.js')
        .pipe( gulp.dest('./web/') );

    console.log('chaning something on index.html...');
    gulp.src( './appjs/index.html')
        .pipe( gulp.dest( './web/') )
        .pipe( livereload({ start: true }) );

  livereload.listen(); ['./appjs/app.js'], ['appjs']); ['./appjs/index.html'], ['app-index']);


var tasks = [ 'appjs','app-index','watch'];
gulp.task('default',tasks );

2. in the page that you wanna do a change monitoring you must put it:

The following code is dev mode.

<script type="text/javascript">document.write('<script src="//localhost:35729/livereload.js?snipver=1" type="text/javascript"><\/script>')</script>

Source: Integrating Grunt/Gulp and Livereload to existing Apache server serving PHP/Zend

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