Google Cloud Messaging VS Google Cloud Platform


It says "Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) is a free service", but to enable it I need to create a project in Google Cloud Platform which costs money.. So how is it free? or am I'm missing something?

Sandeep Dinesh

Creating projects on the Google Developer Console does not cost money. In fact, you can use cloud products like App Engine, BigQuery, and Cloud Messaging (which all have free quota) without putting in any billing information.

For Cloud Messaging, it is similar to using APIs like Google Maps and YouTube: you create a project on the Developer Console, enable the appropriate API, and start using it with your key / configuration file.

If you want to use Compute Engine VMs and products that don't have a free tier, then you need to use the free trial or put in billing information.

You should be able to use Cloud Messaging after the trial is over.

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