IOS Impliment OneHand Keyboard

Badal Shah

I have searched on google but I can't find anything regarding this. I want to implement onehand keyboard for iPhone 6 and 6+ like this One Hand Keyboard using iOS 8 app extension. I know how to implement customkeyboard for single use but want to know how to implement it for right and left side.

Leftside keyboard

Rightside keyboard


You can take a UIView on self.view and set all keys (buttons) on it instead of directly adding on self.view and add all layout constraints according to this view. By doing this you can increase/decrease the x-origin of keys container view.

enter image description here

So for example you can do something like this:

Left Align

CGRect rect = keysContainerView.frame;
rect.origin.x = 0.0;
keysContainerView.frame = rect;

Right Align

CGRect rect = keysContainerView.frame;
rect.origin.x = CGRectGetWidth(self.view.frame) - CGRectGetWidth(keysContainerView.frame);
keysContainerView.frame = rect;

Collected from the Internet

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