Rpackage: Rstudio possibly generating bad NAMESPACE file


I am making an R package in Rstudio and I selected the option Configure Build Tools > Configure and select Use roxygen to generate NAMESPACE. I wrote my functions in Rcpp and this is what the NAMESPACE looks like when I generate it with roxygen2:

# Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand


Since my functions are written with Rcpp, which I then export, then they will used in R via .Call. However, from writing R extensions we should use useDynLib() in such a case. This is why I think I am getting an error when I try to call function1 and the error is:

Error in .Call("Mypackage_function1", PACKAGE = "Mypackage", var1,  : 
"Mypackage_function1" not available for .Call() for package "Mypackage"

When I use the default NAMESPACE when I start a project in Rstudio, I have the following in NAMESPACE:

importFrom(Rcpp, evalCpp)

When I use the default NAMESPACE I can call the functions using .Call however I get a warning when I check the package that I am not generating the NAMESPACE using roxygen.

Is there a fix for this? Any advice is appreciated.

Konrad Rudolph

This is unrelated to the usage of RStudio: For Roxygen to generate the relevant useDynLib specification, you need to use the @useDynLib tag in a Roxygen doc comment:

#' @useDynLib packagename

You can do this anywhere (where you can use normal Roxygen comments) but it makes sense to put this into the package documentation, rather than the documentation of a specific function. Usually this resides in a file called R/packagename-package.r:

#' My package documentation
#' … bla bla …
#' @name packagename
#' @docType package
#' @useDynLib packagename

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