MAX IF Array Formula Returning Zero


I have the following data in Excel Sheet "Sheet1":

     A           B
2    333         2010
3    354         2012
4    100         2013
5    145         2010

I am attempting to return the maximum value of MY_FIELD for each year in another sheet. In this other sheet I have

    A      B
2   2010
3   2011
4   2012
5   2013

Into B2 I enter


with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to enter as an array formula.

This is returning zero. I understand this occurs if the value searched for is not found, but I can see the value searched for, A2, is 2010, which is present in the array Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5.

What is the error in my formula or my approach?


The years in Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5 were formatted using TEXT(DATE,"YYYY"). This returns text fields. The formula requires strictly numbers.

Copying the data in Sheet1!$B$1:$B$5, pasting as values, and setting all to number, returns in the formula working.

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