Insert new rows into table that's connected to another table on Database


I have two tables in a Database: Menu and Companies. Both are connected by the CompanyID. In the company table there are nearly 100 rows of information on different companies. I can insert one row into the Menu table by this sql query:

INSERT INTO `menu` (`CompanyID`, `MenuName`, `MenuLink`, `ImageLink`,
`ListOrder`, `Popup`, `ParentMenuID`, `IsActive`, `IsAdmin`) VALUES
('11', 'Holidays', 'lookups/Holidays.aspx', 'images/Archive.png', '11',
'1', '1807', '1', '0');

I set the CompanyID to 11 here. But I don't want to do an insert query for each CompanyID so if there a way to insert for all the companies?

INSERT INTO menu (CompanyID
, MenuName
, MenuLink
, ImageLink
, ListOrder
, Popup
, ParentMenuID
, IsActive
, IsAdmin) 
, 'Holidays'
, 'lookups/Holidays.aspx'
, 'images/Archive.png'
, '11'
, '1'
, '1807'
, '1'
, '0'
FROM companies

Collected from the Internet

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