Second onClick listener in a new activity


I just started to learn Java. I know some C++, but you know, I am just a novice. I have a problem with a button. I a main activity there are 3 buttons with onClick discovered by switch. By clicking on one of the buttons you're redirected to another activity where I need to create a new button.

The code responsible for MainScreen buttons looks like this (and it works):

public class MainScreen extends Activity implements View.OnClickListener {

Button act_2x2, act_3x3, act_4x4;

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    act_2x2 = (Button) findViewById(;
    act_3x3 = (Button) findViewById(;
    act_4x4 = (Button) findViewById(;


public void onClick(View view) {
            Intent inent1 = new Intent(this, macierz_2x2.class);

            Intent inent2 = new Intent(this, macierz_3x3.class);

            Intent inent3 = new Intent(this, macierz_4x4.class);

And it is okay, I can normally enter the new activity, for example Activity_2x2. Here, in 2x2 class I've created a new OnClickListener and when I click on it, nothing happens. I am sitting here for two hours with debugger, it is saying that I don't have permissions, but It is impossible, because it is just a simple button. I am using Android Studio and just don't know how to debug correctly.

Here is the definition:

public class macierz_2x2 extends MainScreen implements View.OnClickListener{

Button b_2x2;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    b_2x2 = (Button) findViewById(;

public void OnClick(View view) { what happens after clicking }

I know, that this problem is somewhere in overriding and extending, but no idea, why the compiller is letting this being compiled.

If someone have any idea, I will be grateful.

ps. I don't need an answer, just a point, what is wrong.

public class macierz_2x2 extends MainScreen implements View.OnClickListener{

MainScreen already implements View.OnClickListener. Remove it from the definition of your class.

public class macierz_2x2 extends MainScreen {

is enough. You can override onClick on your macierz_2x2 activity

public void onClick(View view) {
    switch(view.getId()) {
        // do something

Collected from the Internet

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