Access IIS on Win10 VM


I'm attempting to access a website running on IIS (Windows 10, running on a VM in Fusion).

VM is set to use NAT with a static IP defined in dhcpd.conf for the network.

Windows firewall is currently disabled, until I get this working.

I can ping the VM from the host OS (MacOS Sierra) by IP.

The website is accessible in the guest OS (Win10, IIS) via localhost and IP.

But, I cannot browse to the website (on guest Win10) from Safari (on host MacOS).

I've played with various bindings in IIS. They all seem to work locally (in the guest OS), but nothing external.

Any ideas?


Sigh, the problem was Symantec. It was running it's own firewall, in addition to the Windows 10 firewall. Thanks for the suggestions, they eventually led me to the solution.

Solution was disabling the second firewall that Symantec was running (alongside Windows Firewall). Windows Firewall was configured to allow web traffic; Symantec was locked down tight.

Collected from the Internet

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