how to add jar dependency in maven?


When I run

mvn compile

I get package does not exist. So I downloaded the ICU4J jar and installed it into the local repository. I confirmed it's in .m2/repository/com/ibm/icu/icu4j/3.4.4/icu4j-3.4.4.jar. Inside that jar file is the missing class file com/ibm/icu/util/Calendar.class. Then I added the following into the dependencies section of pom.xml:


But when I run mvn compile again, I get the same error. What am I doing wrong?


You should not be manually installing things into the maven repository directory. That directory is maintained by maven itself.

The way dependencies work is that when you run mvn compile or some other goal, it will connect to the maven central repository and download the needed dependencies and their dependencies.

If you manually install a jar file, it may not have it's dependencies. That icu artifact will likely have other things it depends on. Maven will automatically resolve these dependencies.

I would recommend using mvn clean install this will clean the target directory and rebuild everything.

If it fails to download, then you likely need to change the maven configuration. For example, if you are behind a proxy server you need to configure maven with the proxy credentials.

Also, if you manually copied anything into the .m2/repository/ directory you should delete it and let maven put it in there correctly instead.

The beauty of maven is that you don't need to worry about things like downloading jars. It just handles that for you. Let it do it's job.

Collected from the Internet

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