Whole Oracle database in memory


Suppose I have an Oracle database whose data files are 256 GB in size. Is it a good idea to use a server with, say, 384 GB RAM in order to host the entire database in RAM?

Is there any difference if you only have, say, 128 GB RAM?

I'm talking about caching and Oracle inner workings, not memory based filesystem. Suppose OLTP, and a 100 GB working set.


Jon Heller

Use the views V$SGA_TARGET_ADVICE and V$PGA_TARGET_ADVICE to predict the performance improvement of additional memory.

Oracle records many statistics about physical (disk) and logical (total) I/O requests. People used to obsess over the buffer cache hit ratio. It can be helpful but that number doesn't tell the whole story. If the ratio is 99% then your cache is probably sufficient and adding more memory won't help. If it's low then you might benefit from more memory, or perhaps the processes that use disk aren't time critical.

Be careful before you request more memory. I've seen a lot of memory wasted because some people assume more memory will solve everything. Oracle has many I/O features to help reduce memory requirements. The "in-memory database" fad is mostly hype.

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