java null pointer exception JMenuBar


Im stuck today with a java error on an eclipse 3.8 platform.

I try to generate a simple MenuBar on a JFrame. The JMenuBar contains the JMenu("Help") and the JMenu contains a JMenuItem("Quit"). The class extends a JFrame. With the function (this.)setJMenuBar(MenuBar); I try to set my MenuBar to my JFrame, which should work fine as long I just have one MenuBar.

GUI-class code:

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class Taschenrechner extends JFrame{

//Instanzvariablen im Zusamenhang mit dem Menu
private JMenuBar MenuBar;
private JMenu MenuHelp;
private JMenuItem MenuHelpQuit;

public Taschenrechner() {

    //Flaeche festlegen

    //Menukomponenten definieren
    MenuHelp= new JMenu("Help");
    MenuHelpQuit=new JMenuItem("Quit");

    //Menukomponenten zusammensetzen

my main-class code (declare objekt and setVisible):

public class Taschenrechnerstart {

public static void main(String[] args) {
    Taschenrechner taschenrechner1 = new Taschenrechner();

Now on starting the code I get a NullPointerException-error in the GUI-class on line:


and a NullPointerException-error in the main-class on the line:

Taschenrechner taschenrechner1 = new Taschenrechner();

Does someone have an idea why my code isn't working?


You are accessing the MenuBar variable without initializing it.

You are missing a

MenuBar = new JMenuBar (..);

BTW, your code would be more readable if you use Java naming conventions (variables should start with a lower case letter).

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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