JMeter JDBC Call returns the value as parameter name if the value received from DB is null


I am using a JDBC PreProcessor in JMeter to fetch a value from the DB before firing a SOAP call which needs to be enriched with that information.

I have assigned a variable XYZ to fetch the value returned from DB. If there is a value returned from DB, i am able to get that value using ${XYZ_1} successfully, however if the value returned from DB is nothing (null) (as seen in DB), the value returned using ${XYZ_1} is shown as ${XYZ_1}.

I am using this variable in Sampler as <Location>${XYZ_1}</Location>

Ex: If DB returns value as 'California', i get it as <Location>California</Location>

If DB returns value as nothing (null), the value looks like <Location>${XYZ_1}</Location>.

Now my issue here is, if DB returns the value as nothing (null), i want the value to be set as nothing. So it should like like below


Any suggestions on this?


You could modify your SQL so that instead of null it returns empty.

Another option is to put a JSR223 Post Processor + Groovy (or Beanshell Post Processor) after your JDBC Post Processor that would test the variable and if null put empty String instead.

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