How can I change the tree's color?


Well, I "created" a little tree with two parents and three children using JqTree, and now I would like to change the properties of it, such as color, border and so on, but I do not want to change the library. Can you help me?

Thanks in advance.

var ExampleData = {}; = [{
  label: 'node1',
  id: 1,
  children: [{
    label: 'child1',
    id: 2
  }, {
    label: 'child2',
    id: 3
}, {
  label: 'node2',
  id: 4,
  children: [{
    label: 'child3',
    id: 5

ExampleData.getFirstLevelData = function(nodes) {
  if (!nodes) {
    nodes = ExampleData.example_data;

  var data = [];

  $.each(nodes, function() {
    var node = {
      label: this.label,

    if (this.children) {
      node.load_on_demand = true;


  return data;

ExampleData.getChildrenOfNode = function(node_id) {
  var result = null;

  function iterate(nodes) {
    $.each(nodes, function() {
      if (result) {
      } else {
        if ( == node_id) {
          result = this;

        if (this.children) {


  return ExampleData.getFirstLevelData(result.children);

  autoOpen: false,
  dragAndDrop: true

		#navdata {

		  width: auto;

		  height: auto;

		  flex: 1;

		  padding-bottom: 1px;


		#navgrid {

		  width: 50%;

		  height: 200px;

		  overflow-x: visible;

		  overflow-y: scroll;

		  border: solid 1px #79B7E7;

		  background-color: #DDEBF7;


		#header {

		  background-color: #79B7E7;

		  width: 100%;

		  text-align: center;

		  border: 1px solid white;


		#tree {

		  background-color: #FF0000;


<!DOCTYPE html>




  <div id="navgrid">
    <div id="header">Header</div>
    <div id="tree1"></div>



add following css for jqTree

level 1 :

.jqtree-tree .jqtree-title .jqtree-title-folder {
    color: aqua !important;

level2 :

.jqtree-tree .jqtree-title {
    color: bisque !important;

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