Select all fields from a table where a field in another table with an ID is equal to a string


I have 2 tables:

Ads: Fields ID, A, B and C:

| ID | A | B     | C    |
|  1 | x | y     | z    |
|  2 | c | v     | b    |
|  3 | n | n     | m    |

Requests: Fields ID, AdID, and Status:

| ID | AdID |  Status  |
|  3 |    1 | pending  |
|  4 |    2 | approved |
|  5 |    3 | pending  |

ID (from Ads) = AdID (from Requests).

Now, I want to get all records from Ads where AdID's (from Requests) Status equals pending. AdId here would be the value ID from Ads.

So, with the above tables, the result I'd get would be ID 1 and 3 from Ads:

| ID | A | B | C |
|  1 | x | y | z |
|  3 | n | n | m |

This is the closest I've got so far, but this obviously doesn't work because it can only select one row - whereas I need to select many:

SELECT * FROM Ads WHERE ID = (SELECT AdID FROM Requests WHERE Status = 'pending')

This might not make sense - please ask if I haven't explained it well - I'll help as much as possible :)

Giorgos Betsos

Use IN in place of =:

WHERE ID IN (SELECT AdID FROM Requests WHERE Status = 'pending')

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