How can I display Font Awesome fonts in Character Map?


I am running on Ubuntu 14.04 x64, and I've just installed FontAwesome - firstly by running install on the ttf file, which I grabbed from; and secondly by discovering it's in the repo and running:

sudo apt-get install fonts-font-awesome

Opening the font viewer I can see the fonts:

FontAwesome in Font Viewer

However, when I open the character map, I don't see them:

FontAwesome in Character Map with Latin Script

Should I be selecting any particular Script? I skimmed down the list to see if I can get to see the FontAwesome icons, but nothing jumped out at me.

What I am after is to find the unicode character code for particular icons. I know FontAwesome has a cheat sheet with the unicode's:, however, I'd like to be able to determine the codes from my system.

Another example is font-mfizz, which doesn't offer a similar cheat sheet (at least from what I can tell). I did however find that submitting the woff font - - to the site is able to print out the code points:

font-mfizz code points

Is this glyphviewer tool my best option?


You can use Character Map. Select the font and select Character Details

Character Map > Character Details

To find your character, use the view View > By Unicode Block. In All you have a very large list and in this list, you should find your character. But the font has 10FFFF (111411210) characters. Without knowing the code, it's a little bit hard to find your needed character.

You can also filter it out so it only displays the glyphs/icons specific to this font. Go to View > Show only glyphs from this font.

view menu in Character Map

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