Cannot start Devuan/Debian installation


I have a problem installing Devuan Linux 2.0 from an USB memory stick.

What happens is that after the first menu, where I have to select graphic/textual installation, all I get is a blank screen.

I tried with all combinations of the following options, which all have the same issue:

  • Create USB stick with Rufus 3.5, in ISO mode.
  • Create USB stick with Rufus 3.5, in DD mode.
  • Install the netinst image.
  • Install the whole DVD image.

I already set the BIOS options to disable secure boot and UEFI/Legacy boot to both.

These are my system details:

  • Lenovo ThinkPad E585 (AMD Ryzen 7).
  • Two internal SSD drives (NVMe and SATA3).

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