Why can't I change the value in GridView?

Alexander Kolovsky

Trying to replace the input value with the users table column status to blocked, if it is equal to 0 and active, if is 10.

    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'filterModel' => $searchModel,
    'columns' => [
        ['class' => 'yii\grid\SerialColumn'],
            'value' => function ($model){
                    return $model->status==10 ? "Active":"Blocked";

        ['class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn'],

But displays an error: array_merge(): Argument #2 is not an array What am I doing wrong, please tell me


Attribute status should be declared like this:

    'attribute' => 'status',
    'value' => function ($model) {
         return $model->status == 10 ? 'Active' : 'Blocked';

So the whole GridView will look like this:

<?= GridView::widget([
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'filterModel' => $searchModel,
    'columns' => [
        ['class' => 'yii\grid\SerialColumn'],
            'attribute' => 'status',
            'value' => function ($model) {
                return $model->status == 10 ? 'Active' : 'Blocked';
        ['class' => 'yii\grid\ActionColumn'],
]) ?>

But another way of doing this is recommended.

Place in your model:


const STATUS_ACTIVE = 10;

 * @return array
public static function getStatusesList()
    return [
        self::STATUS_BLOCKED => 'Blocked',
        self::STATUS_ACTIVE => 'Active',

 * @return string
public function getStatusLabel()
    return static::getStatusesList()[$this->status];

And now you can replace your closure content to this:

return $model->getStatusLabel();

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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