AngularJS, Mocha, Karma. testing controller, mocking service promise


I'm using AngularJS, Karma, Mocha, Chai, Chai-as-promised, Sinon.
I'm trying the controller below. I am having trouble mocking the service User and test the .then() sections in the controller.

Controller Code

.controller('SignupPhoneCtrl', function(User, $scope) {
  $scope.sendPhoneNumber = function(countryCode, phoneNumber){
    User.sendPhoneNumber(countryCode, phoneNumber)
      if(result == "success"){
        return "success";
      return "fail";

ControllerTest Code

describe('Controller: Signup-phone', function() {
  var scope;
  var UserMock;
  var SignupPhoneCtrl;

  beforeEach(function() {

  beforeEach(inject(function($rootScope, $controller, $q){
    scope = $rootScope.$new();
    UserMock = {
      sendPhoneNumber: function(countryCode, phoneNumber){
        var deferred = $q.defer();
        // console.log("called"); //This part is being called
        return deferred.promise;
    SignupPhoneCtrl = $controller("SignupPhoneCtrl", {$scope: scope, User: UserMock});

  it('should return asdf', function(){



I have tried the below but the assertion part is not being called.

scope.sendPhoneNumber(12, 53452123).then(function(result){
  result.should.equal("fail");  //THIS SECTION IS NOT CALLED

I have tried the below, but it gives error: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating 'promise.then.bind(promise)'

scope.sendPhoneNumber(12, 53452123).should.eventually.equal("fail");

sendPhoneNumber(12, 53452123) returns Object{$$state: Object{status: 0}}

I tried to add sinon.spy(UserMock, 'sendPhoneNumber'), but it makes no difference.


The problem is, $scope.sendPhoneNumber doesn't return anything. Try

return User.sendPhoneNumber(...

in your controller method.

Also, if you're just going to instantly resolve the promise in your mock, I've found this works nicely and saves you setting up a deferred object

UserMock = {
  sendPhoneNumber: function(countryCode, phoneNumber){
    return $q.when('foo');

That being said, you probably want to be able to control the resolved value in each test so this makes more sense...

var scope;
var UserMock;
var SignupPhoneCtrl;
var deferred;

// snip

inject(function($rootScope, $controller, $q) {
    deferred = $q.defer();
    UserMock = {
        sendPhoneNumber: function() {
            return deferred.promise;

// snip

it('tests for success', inject(function($rootScope) {



it('tests for failure', inject(function($rootScope) {
    deferred.resolve('not success');



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