Copy value from one column based on the value of another column

Nicholas Tulach

I'm trying to fill values in one column from two other columns based on the values in a fourth column.

I have a pandas dataframe with four columns: A, B, C, D

df_copy = df.copy()
for i, row in df.iterrows():
    if 'Test' in row.D:
        df_copy.loc[i, 'A'] = row.B
    elif 'Other' in row.D:
        df_copy.loc[i, 'A'] = row.C

This works, but is very slow. Is there a more efficient way?


You can use 'boolean indexing' for this instead of iterating over all rows:

df_copy.loc[df['D']=='Test', 'A'] = df['B']
df_copy.loc[df['D']=='Other', 'A'] = df['C']

If you know that column D only consists of these two values, it can even shorter:

df_copy['A'] = df['B']
df_copy.loc[df['D']=='Other', 'A'] = df['C']

If you want to have the same as the in operator to test if that substring is in the column, you can do:


to become the boolean values instead of the df['D']=='Other'

Collected from the Internet

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