Highcharts skip non-provided steps in a series

Anas Mosaad

I have bar chart in high chart. I send it items for x & y. It happened that x-values are numerics. In such case, it assumes that there are missing entries and add the missing entries. I want to force high chart not to include those assumed items. Is that possible without using categories?

$(function () {
        "chart": {
            "type": "column"
        "series": [{
            "name": "X-Axis",
            "data": [
                [1, 77926],
                [2, 71245],
                [4, 75275],
                [5, 78175],
                [6, 75369],
                [7, 78145],
                [8, 77638],
                [9, 75706],
                [12, 77491]
            "color": "#1AA4D5"

This one is different from http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15973457/automatically-join-missing-data-gaps-in-highcharts-js I don't want the values to be included on the x-axis.

Anas Mosaad

Seems there's no other way and I am using categories. Thanks @Ondkloss !

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