webkitnotifications doesn't work in Chrome


I have a extension that shows a notifications, and worked fine until chrome updating and doesn't work any more with Chrome.

What I should edit on this code to make it working. here is my code.

deskNoti=webkitNotifications.createNotification(chrome.app.getDetails().name,'You have '+counter+' new messages');


webkitNotifications has been removed. The direct replacement is Notifications API.

The code is easy to translate:

// Instead of calling a create function, one calls the "new" operator:
deskNoti = new Notification(
  // Instead of just message text, the second parameter is now an object
  //  with multiple properties. Message text should go into "body" parameter:
  { body: 'You have '+counter+' new messages' }

// Instead of .cancel(), the function to close the notification is now .close()
deskNoti.onclick = function() { openPage(); this.close() };

// Notifications are now shown automatically; there is no .show() function

if(timeNoti) {
  window.setTimeout(function() { deskNoti.close(); }, timeNoti);

Consider using chrome.notifications API instead.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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