My program not work as expected


I need to find the position of some strings. These strings are stored in a file named queryfile , from an other file named datafile.

However, my program does not work as expected. Can some one help me?

My program

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main()
    FILE *queryfile;
    queryfile = fopen("op2query.txt","r");

    FILE *datafile;
    datafile = fopen("op2data.txt","r" );

    int i = 1;
    char word[99];
    char search[99];

    if(queryfile==NULL) {
      printf("Error in reading Query File");
    if(datafile==NULL) {
      printf("Error in reading Data File");

             if (strcmp(word,search)==0){
                 printf("\n %i %s ", i, search);

    return 0;
Weather Vane

I build an array of each set of words to be tested, by splitting the query string into words. These words can span a line break in the data file. I mark the data file position on the second word of the set, if the search fails I seek to that point (if necessary). The program succeeds even if I duplicate every word "age" in the data file.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define MAXWORDS    5
#define MAXLEN      99

int main()
    int j, i, done, words, count;
    long mark;
    char word[MAXLEN];
    char search[MAXLEN];
    char *tok, *sptr[MAXWORDS];
    FILE *queryfile;
    FILE *datafile;

    if ((queryfile = fopen("op2query.txt","r")) == NULL) {
         printf("Error in reading Query File");
    if ((datafile = fopen("op2data.txt","r" )) == NULL) {
         printf("Error in reading Data File");

    while(fgets(search, MAXLEN, queryfile) != NULL){
        words = 0;
        done = 0;
        count = 0;
        mark = -1;
        tok = strtok(search, " \r\n");
        while (tok && words < MAXWORDS) {       // build array of query
            sptr[words++] = tok;
            tok = strtok(NULL, " \r\n");        // strips newline too
        if (words < 1)                          // no more queries
        rewind(datafile);                       // beginning of file

        while (!done) {                         // until none to read
            if (mark >= 0)                      // when more than one word to search
                fseek (datafile, mark, SEEK_SET);
            mark = -1;
            for (j=0; j<words; j++) {
                if (j == 1)                     // mark for next search
                    mark = ftell(datafile);
                if (fscanf(datafile, "%98s", word) != 1){
                    done = 1;                   // end of file
                if (strcmp(sptr[j], word)!=0)
                    break;                      // failed multi word search
            if (done) 
                printf("NOT FOUND!");
            else if (j == words) {              // if all words found
                printf("%d", count);
                done = 1;                       // success
        for (i=0; i<words; i++)
            printf(" %s", sptr[i]);             // show array of words asked
    return 0;

Program output:

18 wisdom
40 season
NOT FOUND! summer
22 age of foolishness

UPDATE - I print NOT FOUND! when query not found. Added "summer" to query file.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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