subset files in a folder based on a list


I have a folder "all_images/" with more than 1000 image files named as "Image1.tif", "Image2.tif" and so on..

I have a text file "extract_images_list.txt" which is a list of images that I want to extract from this folder.





I want to move only those files mentioned in my text file to another folder "extract_images/"

I could only think of

  rm (Image1|Image2|Image3|...|...|....|)

where I would provide the images that I don't want.

Is there a better way of doing this?


With the caveat that this solution can't possibly handle things like the Line Feed character being in a filename:

mkdir extract_images 2>/dev/null
while IFS= read -r file; do
  mv "$file" extract_images
done < extract_images_list.txt

This goes through extract_images_list.txt line-by-line by reading them into the file variable (the -r argument is required to make it treat backslashes as literal backslashes, and IFS= makes it not strip whitespace), then moves each line to the extract_images directory.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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