Same object property with different values


I have a problem occurring in one function, for me it's strange because I thought that the behaviour of objects were different. The function is:

function getMessages($imapCon)
    $messageHeaders = array();
    $tempObj = new stdClass();
    $totalMessages = imap_num_msg($imapCon);
    for ($i = $totalMessages; $i > 0; $i--) 
        $headers = imap_headerinfo($imapCon, $i);
        $tempObj->Unseen = $headers->Unseen;
        $tempObj->fromaddress = $headers->fromaddress;
        $tempObj->Date = $headers->Date;
        $tempObj->Subject = $headers->Subject;
        $tempObj->uid = imap_uid($imapCon, $i);
        array_push($messageHeaders, $tempObj);
    return json_encode($messageHeaders);

In the json encoded, I get the same values for all properties (Unseen, fromaddress, Date...). The properties are set correct, but the values are duplicated. Why? If I do something like:

    for ($i = $totalMessages; $i > 0; $i--) 
        $tempObj = new stdClass();
        array_push($messageHeaders, $tempObj);
    return json_encode($messageHeaders);

declaring the object inside the for, it works. But I believe this is a poor fix and nor the right thing to do...


Creating a new $tempObj inside the loop is the right way. When you add this object into array, it's not copied, but a pointer to it is added into the array. Check this documentation - (look at the simple assignment, ignore the $reference variable for now).

So you end up with array containing the whole bunch of links pointing to the same object. But if you create a new $tempObj inside the loop, all objects will be different.

Alternatively, you can do this:

array_push($messageHeaders, clone($tempObj));

but although this will equally work in this case, it may not work if the $tempObj would have more complex structure, such as instances of othe classes as properties of $tempObj.

On a side note, in PHP4 your code would work as you expected as PHP4 was copying actual objects on assignment instead of just pointers as PHP5 does.

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