why does LAST_INSERT_ID() returns foreign key


Im using mysql database. When i add some sample data inside my database when i want to return the last insert id as follow:

SELECT DISTINCT LAST_INSERT_ID() FROM facturatiedatabase.tblinvoice;

It returns customersID instead.

This the table i'm using.

CREATE TABLE tblInvoice (       
        customerID INT,
        totalPriceExcl decimal(65,2),
        vat decimal(65,2),
        totalPriceIncl decimal(65,2),
        conditionState VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT 'In progress' ,
        createDate Date,
        invoiceNumber int ,
        CONSTRAINT FK_customerID_Invoice FOREIGN KEY (customerID) REFERENCES tblCustomers(customerID)

Is there something wrong with my syntax or is this a common problem? And is there a workaround ?

Adrian Lynch

You're using it wrongly.

From the docs:

LAST_INSERT_ID() (with no argument) returns a BIGINT (64-bit) value representing the first automatically generated value that was set for an AUTO_INCREMENT column by the most recently executed INSERT statement to affect such a column. For example, after inserting a row that generates an AUTO_INCREMENT value, you can get the value like this:

Note the example doesn't query a table. It's based on the current connection.

        -> 195

If you do an insert into tblInvoice then run SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID() you'll get back the invoiceID.

So a working example would be:

INSERT INTO tblInvoice (columns) VALUES (data);
SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID(); -- The invoiceID generated from above insert

If what you really want is the last created invoice ID, try:

SELECT MAX(invoiceID) FROM tblInvoice

Not perfect, but should be enough for your needs.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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