excel sum till a specific number

Tomaž Podgornik

I am a total noob on excel so here i am looking for answers.

Best to explain this on a example.

I have in a row numbers from 1-1000000. I would like to sum them till 1000.

How do you do that?

Gary's Student

With values in row #1, in A2 enter:


In B2 enter:


and copy across. Finally in A3 enter:


For example:

enter image description here


To avoid the "Helper" column, I would use the following UDF:

Public Function SumUntil(rIn As Range, Limit As Double) As Double
    Dim r As Range, t As Double
    SumUntil = 0
    For Each r In rIn
        t = SumUntil
        SumUntil = SumUntil + r.Value
        If SumUntil > Limit Then
            SumUntil = t
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next r
End Function

User Defined Functions (UDFs) are very easy to install and use:

  1. ALT-F11 brings up the VBE window
  2. ALT-I ALT-M opens a fresh module
  3. paste the stuff in and close the VBE window

If you save the workbook, the UDF will be saved with it. If you are using a version of Excel later then 2003, you must save the file as .xlsm rather than .xlsx

To remove the UDF:

  1. bring up the VBE window as above
  2. clear the code out
  3. close the VBE window

To use the UDF from Excel:


To learn more about macros in general, see:




and for specifics on UDFs, see:


Macros must be enabled for this to work!


To count the number of values that were summed, I would use a different UDF:

Public Function CountUntil(rIn As Range, Limit As Double) As Long
    Dim r As Range, t As Double, i As Long
    Dim SumUntil As Double
    SumUntil = 0
    i = 0
    For Each r In rIn
        i = i + 1
        t = SumUntil
        SumUntil = SumUntil + r.Value
        If SumUntil > Limit Then
            CountUntil = i - 1
            Exit Function
        End If
    Next r
End Function

Collected from the Internet

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