Creating an XML string from php string


Looking to parse some XML data that is saved in a DB. In the DB its saved in raw XML:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

I want to be able to parse this data, and have found people normally using:

$xmlstr = <<<XML RAW XML XML;

But how can I use a php string in there?

So e.g.

$xmlstr = <<<XML $stringfromDB XML;

Of course that does not work, but how can it be done? Thanks.


SimpleXML should do the trick for you. Check out this link, along with php manual basics.

$xmlData = /* query xml-data from DB as string */;
$xmlObj = simplexml_load_string($xmlData);

the <<<XML ...some code... XML; is just an alternative notation for declaring (multiline) strings, you don't have to do that, as long as you can obtain full XML document from DB as in your first snippet.

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