Vim make a custom macro or command


Although I have been using Vim for quite some time now, I am still a novice when it comes to customizing it. I am not sure if what I have in mind can be done. Here what I would like to do: When writing a bash script I have a template to comment a function

1  #!/bin/bash
3  ###########################################################
4  # template
5  # globals:
6  #   none
7  # returns:
8  #   none
9  ###########################################################
12 my_function () {
13 ...

What I am currently doing is to position the cursor at line 11 and then issue the command:


This yanks lines 3 to 9 into the buffer. Then I hit p and it pastes the lines after the cursor. I would like to simplify this process. Can I achieve the above behavior by defining something like a macro? Ideally I would define it the .vimrc file and not rely on the script to have the template exaclty at lines 3 through 9.


You could place the text of your banner in a named register:

let @c  = "###########################################################\n"
let @c .= "# template\n"
let @c .= "# globals:\n"
let @c .= "#   none\n"
let @c .= "# returns:\n"
let @c .= "#   none\n"
let @c .= "###########################################################"

and put it with:


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