Excel formula: Add entries in same month and year

Brian Hamilton

This seems like it should have a fairly simple solution, but I can't quite find it. Any help would be much appreciated.

I'm trying to write a formula in Excel that will refer to an itemized list of income and expenses and add up all of the entries in a given month and a given category. So if I have the following entries in one sheet: 6/15/16 Electric -$80.00 Utilities 7/1/16 Landlord -$800.00 Rent 7/2/16 McDonald's -$5.00 Fast Food 7/15/16 Electric -$80.00 Utilities 7/19/16 Water -$55.00 Utilities

I want a formula that will select and add, for example, all of the utilities from July but not from June.

Currently, I can select for category but I can't figure out how to select for the month. Here's what I'm working with:


The Spending sheet is organized just like my above example, the C column refers to expenses, the D column to categories, and the A column to dates. D1 in the last test refers to the column heading, which names this column as having to do with July 2016 expenses.

One further question, too: I'd prefer to avoid hard-coding the second test, and instead make it refer to the row heading. So instead of saying "=Utilities", say "=A3"--i.e., the text value of the row header. But that way of writing it breaks the formula, and I can't figure out what else to try.

Thanks for any help!

Scott Craner

You need to bracket the dates with greater than and less than:

=SUMIFS(Spending!C:C,Spending!D:D,C1,Spending!A:A,">=" & DATE(YEAR(D1),MONTH(D1),1),Spending!A:A,"<=" & EOMONTH(D1,0))

enter image description here

For reference Spending sheet:

enter image description here

Collected from the Internet

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