Set up DHCP for LXC containers


I have several lxc containers that need network access. At the moment I am manually allocating them IP addresses in the relevant config file as so: = veth = up = eth0 = br0 =                                                      =

This works but does not scale and can conflict with my routers DHCP allocation. I try to use my router dhcp by leaving out the lines (as described online elsewhere), and the container starts but dhcpcd reports no carrier. lxc-ls --fancy also does not show my container has an IP address. The bride is up and set in the config file.

How can I use DHCP with my containers? Is it possible to use my routers DHCP, or do I need to run a server on my host? Some of my containers do need to be accessible from the outside, where as some only need to communicate to other containers/host.

I'm running arch linux, most of the help online seems ubuntu specific.

Hesham Ahmed

Make sure netctl and dhcpcd is installed inside the container (pacman -Q netctl dhcpcd) then run the following in the container:

cat > /etc/netctl/eth0

Press CTRL-D to write the file. Then enable the profile by running:

netctl enable eth0

Finally restart the container and you should have a DHCP assigned IP address.

Collected from the Internet

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