What's the difference between using shell command (e.g. foo) directly and using $(foo)?

Sol Alsvid

I get confused about using command directly and using $(foo). I'm using Mac, I try to list apps which is install by brew cask(a package manager), and echo each app. I have two short Shell scripts, first one like this:

apps=$(brew cask list)
for app in ${apps}
    echo  "${app}"

It works fine, however another likes this:

apps=$(brew cask list)
for app in ${apps}
    ${myecho}  "${app}"

This one returns ./script2.sh: line 7: foo: command not found, foo is the name of app. What's the difference between I use echo directly and using myecho as a aliases?

Thomas Dickey

In this command


you are setting myecho to an empty token. So the following command

${myecho}  "${app}"

is simply "${app}", which is apparently "foo" (not what was intended). You would make an alias using different syntax:

alias myecho="echo"

Further reading:

Collected from the Internet

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