GIT from source: fatal: Unable to find remote helper for 'https'


Due to me not having root rights, I compiled git from source locally. My distro is OpenSUSE 13.1. Googling the error fatal: Unable to find remote helper for 'https'

It was suggested that curl is not configured properly. However, using curl to access works just fine.

Another suggestion was that curl wasnt linked properly to git during configuring and making git.

The steps I took to get where I am now:

Installed Openssl-1.0.0t in my home.

./config --prefix=$HOME shared
make install

(completes without any errors)

Then I installed curl-7.48.0 in my home:

./configure --prefix=$HOME --with-ssl=$HOME

Compiler:         gcc
  SSL support:      enabled (OpenSSL)
  SSH support:      enabled (libSSH2)
  zlib support:     enabled
  GSS-API support:  no      (--with-gssapi)
  TLS-SRP support:  enabled
  resolver:         default (--enable-ares / --enable-threaded-resolver)
  IPv6 support:     enabled
  Unix sockets support: enabled
  IDN support:      no      (--with-{libidn,winidn})
  Build libcurl:    Shared=yes, Static=yes
  Built-in manual:  enabled
  --libcurl option: enabled (--disable-libcurl-option)
  Verbose errors:   enabled (--disable-verbose)
  SSPI support:     no      (--enable-sspi)
  ca cert bundle:   no
  ca cert path:     /etc/ssl/certs/
  ca fallback:      no
  LDAP support:     enabled (OpenLDAP)
  LDAPS support:    enabled
  RTSP support:     enabled
  RTMP support:     no      (--with-librtmp)
  metalink support: no      (--with-libmetalink)
  PSL support:      no      (libpsl not found)
  HTTP2 support:    disabled (--with-nghttp2)

make install

(completes without any errors)

Thirdly I installed expat 2.1.1:

CPPFLAGS="-I $HOME/include" LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/lib -L$HOME/lib64" ./configure --prefix=$HOME
make install

(completes without any errors)

Finally GIT 2.8.2:

CPPFLAGS="-I $HOME/include" LDFLAGS="-L$HOME/lib -L$HOME/lib64" ./configure --with-curl=$HOME --with-openssl=$HOME --prefix=$HOME --with-expat=$HOME
make install

This too seems to go well with no warnings to be reported. I obviously overlooked something but cant seem to figure out what... can anybody help me?

SOLUTION Add the lib64 directory to LDFLAGS (commands have been updated).


SOLUTION Add the lib64 directory to LDFLAGS (commands have been updated).

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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