Add week in smarty tpl

Kārlis Millers
  • Output: 2015-01-20 03:52:19
  • Need 01.20.2015 + 1 week = 01.27.2015

I curently have {$order[orders].invoice_date|date_format:"%d.%m.%Y"}
But how to add week + 1?

So, I need to add 1 week and then formating this.
But the date isn't in the timestap format.

Smarty version: 3.1.
I can use only smarty logic, not PHP.

How to achieve this?


You don't need a plugin to work this out. It can be solved with a combination of cat and date_format.

Since date_format is a wrapper to PHPs strftime(), you can use the conversion specifiers available in strftime() - and that is what I used tackle the issue at hand.

Try this:

{$order[orders].invoice_date|cat:' +1 week'|date_format:"%d.%m.%Y"}

I've used Smarty version 3.1.17 to recreate your problem. The solution is based on the assumption that the value in your variable $order[orders].invoice_date is a string 2015-01-20 03:52:19.

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