Regex to return the characters between square brackets (but not the brackets)


I'm looking for a RegEx to return all the characters between two square brackets, and only the characters, not the brackets themselves.

For example given a string that looks like "[A][B2][1,1][ABC]"

The RegEx should return: A, B2, 1,1, ABC

I have tried various expressions for both String#split and Pattern & Match.

The closest I've gotten was:

String.split("[\\[]*[\\]]"); and Pattern.compile("\\[[^\\]]+(?=])");

Both of these return: [A, [B2, [1,1, [ABC

I've found other expressions that return the values with the enclosing brackets (ie. Pattern.compile("\\[[^\\]]*\\]");) but that is not what I'm after.

Does someone know the correct expression? or is what I'm trying to do not possible?


You need lookaheads and lookbehinds.or


Collected from the Internet

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