First two rows per combination of two columns

Mike V

Given a table like this in PostgreSQL:


message_id | creating_user_id | receiving_user_id | created_utc
 1         | 1                | 2                 | 1424816011
 2         | 3                | 2                 | 1424816012
 3         | 3                | 2                 | 1424816013
 4         | 1                | 3                 | 1424816014
 5         | 1                | 3                 | 1424816015
 6         | 2                | 1                 | 1424816016
 7         | 2                | 1                 | 1424816017
 8         | 1                | 2                 | 1424816018

I want to get the newest two rows per creating_user_id/receiving_user_id where the other user_id is 1. So the result of the query should look like:

message_id | creating_user_id | receiving_user_id | created_utc
 1         | 1                | 2                 | 1424816011
 4         | 1                | 3                 | 1424816014
 5         | 1                | 3                 | 1424816015
 6         | 2                | 1                 | 1424816016

Using a window function with row_number() I can get the first 2 messages for each creating_user_id or the first 2 messages for each receiving_user_id, but I'm not sure how to get the first two messages for per creating_user_id/receiving_user_id.

Erwin Brandstetter

Since you filter rows where one of both columns is 1 (and irrelevant), and 1 happens to be the smallest number of all, you can simply use GREATEST(creating_user_id, receiving_user_id) to distill the relevant number to PARTITION BY. (Else you could employ CASE.)

The rest is standard procedure: calculate a row number in a subquery and select the first two in the outer query:

SELECT message_id, creating_user_id, receiving_user_id, created_utc
        , row_number() OVER (PARTITION BY GREATEST (creating_user_id
                                                  , receiving_user_id)
                             ORDER BY created_utc) AS rn
   FROM   messages
   WHERE  1 IN (creating_user_id, receiving_user_id)
   ) sub
WHERE  rn < 3
ORDER  BY created_utc;

Exactly your result.

SQL Fiddle.

Collected from the Internet

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