Confused about the big O notation of the code


I was trying to find if the given strings are anagrams without using any helper sort function and nested loops.

Therefore I tried using a while loop; however, I am not sure what the big O notation of this code is. Can you please help?

def anagrams(string1, string2):
    if len(string1) != len(string2):
        return False
    string3 = ""
    x = 0
    y = 0
    while x < len(string1) and y < len(string2):
        element = string1[x]
        if element == string2[y]:
            string3 += element
            x += 1
            y = 0
            y += 1
    return string1 == string3
Randy Kamradt Sr.

I believe it will be O(n^2) because your x value tends to increment, but your y value can continue to be reset to zero, therefore being no better than a nested loop.

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