can't find the date style format in sql server 2012


I want to convert this nvarchar column to Datetime format:

        "29/12/14 07:46:20 PM"

This style is good but has no time:

        SELECT CONVERT(datetime, nvarcharDateColumn, 3) AS [DD/MM/YY]

How can i convert it and keep all the date parts (date+time) ??

Dan Guzman

A datetime data type in SQL Server has no "format". It is natively a 8-byte binary value. To convert the nvarchar string to datetime, use CONVERT with the nvarchar column as the second parameter:

SELECT CONVERT(datetime, nvarcharColumnWithDateAndTime, 3) AS NativeDateTime
FROM dbo.YourTable;

Note the datetime format displayed by this query is determined by the application your are using, not the SQL Server database. Also, consider changing the table data type to datetime to avoid data integrity issues; nvarchar will allow storing invalid dates.

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