Couldn't match expected type `()' with actual type `Int'


I have a strange error with Haskell and Gtk2Hs.

I try to set the cursor position in a text entry with

set entree [entryCursorPosition := 5 ]

which correspond to the Type

entryCursorPosition :: EntryClass self => ReadAttr self Int

and I have the following error :

Couldn't match expected type `()' with actual type `Int'

Do you think it's a bug ? Do you know how to solve it?

I'm using Gtk2Hs 0.12.3 on my Debian Wheezy with GHC 7.4.1.

Best Regards.


I made a mistake entryCursorPosition is a read only attribut and can't be set.

The correct function to set the cursor position in a entry is :

editableSetPosition entry (-1)

Hoping it will be helpfull

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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