How do I transfer this SQL statement into a LINQ query?


I have this pretty easy SQL Statement and I want to get the same data using LINQ, but I can't seem to find the right way.

join DEPOT D on D.DEPOTID = A.DEPOTID and D.VALID = 1 and D.KS_ID = 1
where A.AUFTRAGID in 
      (select AUFTRAGID from AUFTRAG_STATUS where VALID = 1 
           and CRTI = (select max(CRTI) from AUFTRAG_STATUS where AUFTRAGID = A.AUFTRAGID) 
           and [STATUS] = 9)

I can successfully join the tables [AUFTRAG] and [DEPOT], but when it comes to the last where clause I am not able to figure out how to get my data in LINQ.

I'm looking forward for your help.

UPDATE - This is what I have done so far:

var erfAuftr = (from auf in db.AUFTRAG
                join dep in (from dep in db.DEPOT
                             where dep.KS_ID == 1
                             select dep) on auf.DEPOTID equals dep.DEPOTID
                join a_s in
                     (from a_s in db.AUFTRAG_STATUS
                      group a_s by new
                      } into grp
                      select new
                           AuftragId = grp.Key.AUFTRAGID,
                           Date = grp.Max(s => s.CRTI)
                      }) on auf.AUFTRAGID equals a_s.AuftragId                                   
                 select new
                      AuftragId = auf.AUFTRAGID,
                      AuftragNr = auf.AUFTRAGNR,
                      DebitorId = auf.DEBITORID,
                      KVNr = auf.DEBITOR_KOMMNR2,
                      TL = auf.DEBITOR_TEILELIEFERNR,
                      DepotId = dep.DEPOTID,
                      DepotNum = dep.DEPOTNUM,
                      DepotMatchcode = dep.MATCHCODE,
                      DepName = dep.NAME1,
                      WEDate = a_s.Date

But I am still missing how to check for [STATUS] = 9


I finally got it working by using the following expression:

Date = grp.Where(g => g.CRTI == grp.Max(s => s.CRTI) && g.STATUS == 9).Max(s => s.CRTI)

Thank you for your help anyway!

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