What happens to modules required in exported modules Node?


I've been trying to modularize my server and web apps. i've read about exports and module.exports in Node here and here.



I get how it makes the functions available to other files / scripts, but what happens to the modules required within the exported file? If I require websockets in some file, export it and require it within another file, does the other file inherit the websockets from the exported file? Is it similar to a header file in C and just pastes that module into your file?


When you require() a module in node, it gets executed inside a closure and the value exported by the module is cached. So any additional require()s for the same module (located at the same absolute path) will always get the same object/value/whatever.

So in your websockets example, the require('websockets') that you do in your module is not automagically available to anyone requiring your module. Everything in a module is done within a separate, local scope (you can read/write the global scope accessible by all modules, but you really should not do that). This is why you need to explicitly export values for them to be seen by outsiders.

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