Can't get the aspect executed for proxy objects

S Kr

I am trying to execute a aspect on proxy object

package thispkg;

public class MyLogger {
    public void before() {
    public void after() {
    public void info() {

package thispkg;

public interface MyInterface {
    public void speak();

package thispkg;

public class MyInterfaceImpl implements MyInterface {
    public void speak() {
        System.out.println("MyInterfaceImpl :: Hello world");

package thispkg;

public class RandomClass {
    public void suvichar() {
        System.out.println("RandomClass (suvichar)::Karm kiye jaa, fal ki chinta mat kar");

package thispkg;

import org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext;
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("thispkg.xml");
        MyInterface in = (MyInterface) context.getBean("randomClass", RandomClass.class);


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<beans xmlns=""

    <bean id="mylogger" class="thispkg.MyLogger"/>
    <bean id="randomClass" class="thispkg.RandomClass"/>
    <bean id="myInterfaceImpl" class="thispkg.MyInterfaceImpl"/>
    <aop:config proxy-target-class="true">
        <aop:aspect id="usageTrackerAspect" ref="mylogger">
            <aop:declare-parents types-matching="thispkg.RandomClass+" implement-interface="thispkg.MyInterface" default-impl="thispkg.MyInterfaceImpl"/>
            <aop:pointcut expression="this(thispkg.MyInterface)" id="randompointcut"/>
            <aop:before pointcut-ref="randompointcut" method="info"/>

I have tried both thispkg.MyInterfaceImpl & thispkg.RandomClass in pointcut expression but still can't get the ========Info======== printed. Only prints

MyInterfaceImpl :: Hello world

Any clue ?

S Kr

So after some tries and then more reading and then more retries, i found that i can get the desired behaviour when using delegate-ref instead of default-impl, thus allowing spring to manage my implementation. Also correcting my pointcut expression.

<aop:aspect ref="mylogger">
        <aop:declare-parents types-matching="thispkg.RandomClass+" implement-interface="thispkg.MyInterface" delegate-ref="myInterfaceImpl"/>
        <aop:pointcut expression="execution(* thispkg.MyInterface.speak())" id="randompointcut"/>
        <aop:before method="info" pointcut-ref="randompointcut"/>


MyInterfaceImpl :: Hello world

Collected from the Internet

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